Hi! I am Nina Lasala, former Treasurer of the Philppines. This blog is meant to be an open forum for investors, fellow finance professionals, and other interested parties to discuss the state of Philippine Debt Management.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Transparency: a Pillar of Governance

Starting July, I shall begin presenting the accounts that are part of the cash program of the government and open discussion on select items or activities that underlie these accounts . For easy reference of the readers, these data are found in the Bureau of the Treasury's statistical series published in BTr's website. It is hoped that with this forum, we can learn and start to pitch in in the country's efforts at addressing the debt problem .It can also serve to surface structural practices or deficiencies that may be reviewed/amended or ,possibly, eliminated.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Nina,

Could we eliminate the president?
The reason why the lowest ranking government official in the land is so brazen at corruption is because the very leader of the land has no integrity. We need a change in leadership not just in the government agencies and units but at the very top-- the presidency.

3:45 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with the commen above. Go ahead, Nina. Arm us with facts that we may not be ignorant and be deceived by the PR moves of the "powers that be". Make us uncomforatable in our ignorance so that we may make intelligent decisions. Thanks. We need people like you who know the TRUTH and will share that TRUTH with the people.

3:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Nina,

GMA has a new DOF secretary. If you will be offered to go back to the Treasury by the new chief, would you accept it?

1:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We in the National Treasury will be very glad to have you back... paging Sec. Teves, beep... beep.

You certainly made us strong and proud of our work and our little known contribution to the well being of our beloved country.

You told me you have had a good working relationship with the new Gov. I'm sure he will listen to reason and on good governance.

Please do come back if ever.... for the sake of our country, not for the sake of GMA.

11:01 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great site!

12:34 AM

Blogger Nithya said...


I think someone should take in charge of the countries debt management issues leading to several levels of economic trouble. Shouldn't the financial minister do something about these critical problems? I wish u went back to the Treasury, many people want that.

debt management

3:43 AM

Anonymous Manila real estate said...

Good governance can only achieve though tranparency of all Government officials and administrators. No corruptions committed if they have their moral and values of showing not to grab malicious intent. Show their pockets so that people will trust them.

12:05 PM

Anonymous Philippines Real Estate said...

A good governance can be achieve if people will show their unity and respect the law and the Government.

1:33 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello there,

I have a question for the webmaster/admin here at lowerphildebt.blogspot.com.

May I use some of the information from your post above if I give a link back to this site?


10:55 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

We in the National Treasury will be very glad to have you backThe reason why the lowest ranking government official in the land is so brazen at corruption is because the very leader of the land has no integrity.debt management

6:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for this blog!!
your blog is very informative.
Debt Management

2:15 PM

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10:27 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Debt desperation is a common condition that happens to people who have more credit obligations than what they are earning...

debt management

5:05 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

12:41 PM

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1:55 AM

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1:55 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9:46 PM


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