Executive Brief on Circulars 392 & 428 issues
BSP Circular No. 392 which was issued on July 2, 2003 and Circular No. 428 issued on April 15, 2004 are the two (2) circulars which created the THIRD PARTY CUSTODIANS. Essentially, these circulars provided for the following:
2. The functions and responsibilities of a securities custodian are the following:
a. Safekeeping of the securities of the client;
a. Maintenance of an electronic registry book;
The RoSS records in scripless form all peso–denominated Philippine government securities. Trades are settled on real time gross settlement and effects redemption of all maturing peso-denominated Philippine securities. Ross has securities and lending facilities, allows derivation of benchmarks based on actual done interbank trades in the secondary market and reportorial facility for primary and end-beneficial accounts and statement rendition on a daily basis.
Below is a comparison of the changes that will result from the implementation of BSP circular nos. 392 and 428 :

a. It merely adds another layer in a transaction that is already simple and working. The bank which used to be able to transact directly with the BTr will now be required to course its transaction through a third party custodian ;
b. Reports and debt data which used to be available to the government in the nick of time will now be difficult to prepare, if not impossible. Information which was once whole will become fragmented so that to be able to get a total picture of the country’s debt, BTr will now need to request for the records known and available only to the custodians;
c. A reconciliation of records between the BTr and the custodians will now become necessary.
d. It will not maximize the capabilities of the RoSS and will even limit the same.
a. Added costs to the investors will inevitably be passed on to the government who is the issuer of the government securities in the form on higher borrowing costs and/or interest costs. By their own admission in a local daily, PDTC disclosed that it stands to gain half a billion pesos per annum. This is a conservative estimate considering the number of times ownership of a security can be traded in a year. The investors would naturally take the added costs into consideration when they submit their bids for the government securities thus increasing the government’s cost of borrowings and adding to the people’s debt burden.
b. The re-configuration of the RoSS will entail costs that have not been provided for in the BTr’s budget.
a. With the connection of the PDEX trading platform to the RoSS it will expose the RoSS to the risk of a security breach. Since the PDEX trading platform will connect directly to the RoSS portals, the RoSS system and all the information it maintains INCLUDING CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION can be accessed by PDTC.Moreover, virus and other elements that can adversely affect data stored in the RoSS can be passed on from the PDEX system;
b. Since debt information will be parceled out to several custodians, the likelihood of unreconciled figures will not be remote. Any difference in figure will impair the INTEGRITY of the country’s debt data and and endanger the government debt management processes;
c. Adjudication risks will arise when the issue of which record among the six custodians and that of the BTr shall be deemed controlling in the event of discrepancy.
d. Third party non-bank custodian, PDTC is capitalized at merely P500MM, and yet it will be entrusted with the handling of government securities amounting to Php 2 trillion .
e. The government stands to lose the transparency of its records and will be unable to promptly determine who it actually owes money to. Any delay or errors in the gathering of statistics on debts can adversely affect its debt management capability.
f. It can discourage investors from investing in government securities thereby impairing the government’s ability to fund its requirements.
g. If the award to private entities will be proven disadvantageous to government, it renders the BTR liable and vulnerable to all types of suits/litigations.
4. Implementation is unnecessary.
a. Services like providing benchmarks, mark to market valuations , price discovery and transparency and others are already being rendered by the BTr RoSS at no cost to the investor and the government. In fact an investor is able to determine rates and prices anywhere he is through the short messaging system (SMS/text messaging system). These enhancements are among those approved under the Medium-Term Investment Program (MTPIP)of government.
b. Services to be offered by the third party custodians are already being offered by the GSEDs and the Trust Departments of banks. There are existing BSP circulars regulating these custodial functions.
c. It will be uneconomic for small investors to enlist the services of a custodian as the Php 900 transaction fee more than erodes the meager returns on small investors’ holdings on top of the other fees that the Third Party Custodians will charge. The small investors do not incur any cost right now under the BTr –RoSS .These small investors will be left with RoSS. Definitely the holders of Retail Treasury bonds (RTBs) as the alternative systems under circulars 392 and 428 will not be able to accommodate them negating the claim that the proposed system was meant to safeguard the small investors.
d. OTC trades will still continue and inputting other data manually negating the claim that the alternative systems effect seamless and straight-through-processing .
a. WITHOUT ANY VALUE ADDED TO THE PHILIPPINE GOVERNMENT SECURITIES MARKET, government funds will be used to configure the RoSS, and operate and maintain the same, BUT it will be the PRIVATE third party custodians, more particularly PDTC WHICH WILL BENEFIT from it;
b. The connectivity/implementation of the aforesaid circulars will, in effect, mean an unauthorized awarding of a beneficial use and ownership of a GOVERNMENT ASSET to a PRIVATE ENTITY WITHOUT JUST COMPENSATION TO THE GOVERNMENT. If the government were to decide to privatize the RoSS, it should have been duly bidded out which would, no doubt, fetch the government a substantial amount thereby adding to its resources without the need to raise additional taxes.
c. The implementation of the aforesaid circulars is being relentlessly pursued with ABSOLUTELY LACK OF DISCLOSURE to the proper authorities and to the public as to the detrimental consequences of such a move to government. By the issuance by the Bangko Sentral of mere bank circulars, existing laws are nullified and/or changed to suit the needs of PDTC and another government agency, the BTr is divested of its core function.
d. An “agency” is created whereby the third party custodian can bind the government to contracts and obligations WITHOUT the said custodian being made liable to the government.
e. Confidentiality of bank and GOVERNMENT records and transactions will be breached.
The issues involved are pretty well clear-cut. The beneficiaries are the private groups PDTC and PDEx. Are they one and the same? Do they have interlocking ownerships? Why can they do what they just did with Malacanang seemingly unaware (or in cahoots?) with these private groups?
What is more frighteneing is the fact that all CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION of investors will be made available to these private individuals. One can just imagine the power they wil have over these investors. On another thought, maybe the investors will just decide to pull-out instead of (1) paying more and, (2) exposing themselves to risks.
Maybe one of the reasons why no senator or congressman is taking up your fight is because they owe so much to the banks and to these private individuals?
10:13 AM
keep up the fight against corruption!
12:54 PM
The joker laughs...
It seems all to convenient that the regulations are radically in favor of a "private organization". It seems even more convenient that the business of a private organization is so accurately built to capture the environment created by the regulations.
One question that has not been asked: what did the founder(s) of PDEx/PDTC know and when did they know them.
Was there a one interest lobby that ignored all other market participants in order to create a business?
Was there an attempt to conceal information from all affected parties to ensure that there would be no competition?
Is this interest now a law unto itself that it can disregard the issues of the market and of the investors?
Something is not making sense somewhere because these people are advocating with the blessings of the BSP for all investors in this country to cough up money for fees and private assets for custody to make these "reforms" work.
We keep talking about the impact on banks and the impact on the BTr, consider the views of the investor.
I buy the securities of the Republic to fund my government. What does a third party have to do with that? Once I have properly paid for the securities why does the BSP dictate on me to send my securities to a third party?
And as far as the senators and congressmen are concerned, we not only pay our taxes, we lend our money to the govenrment. You clowns owe us better governance! Look into this farce and do something!
1:07 PM
If those guys from Bangko Sentral to PDEX have not bothered to go to Treasury to properly evaluate the BT's system's, I don't think they understand what it is they are proposing!!!!!!
1:27 PM
Mam.I sent email to you, Im not sureif you received it. I always pray for you that you'll be safe.Please take care, we miss your advices and smile. We will support you.You are the best Treasurer we have you haveproven that in three months. You're one in a billion (notmillion). Kung ang lahat ng Pilipino ay tulad mo, wala ng corrupt, masamang tao, at napakaganda na ng Phil. sayang at mas marami ang masama. So Please take care. MAY GOD BLESS AND GUIDE YOU ALWAYS. Weadmire, respect and love you.
7:16 PM
Mam.I sent email to you, Im not sureif you received it. I always pray for you that you'll be safe.Please take care, we miss your advices and smile. We will support you.You are the best Treasurer we have you haveproven that in three months. You're one in a billion (notmillion). Kung ang lahat ng Pilipino ay tulad mo, wala ng corrupt, masamang tao, at napakaganda na ng Phil. sayang at mas marami ang masama. So Please take care. MAY GOD BLESS AND GUIDE YOU ALWAYS. Weadmire, respect and love you.
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