Monday, March 14, 2005

Keep on Making a Difference!

My heartfelt thanks to those who have quietly organized themselves to support me on this debate. I could not have even gotten halfway to where we are today if not for the constant advice, comments, and insights all of you have given me.

Given the timing, I can only imagine the peer pressure that is going on right now what with the press releases of the individual banks supporting the FIE. :)

Egos are very much invested and pride certainly as well. It is certainly an uncomfortable time for all of us but we can only pray that it will utlimately result in a better financial environment for us all.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:41 AM

    I hope you continue to stay strong in the midst of this well-oiled and well-funded counter attack! If these banks haven't even capitalized the FIE, how come they are in the press supporting it? Maybe a press release is cheaper than the cost of capitalizing the exchange! Talk about lip service! What hypocrites!

    The Philippines needs more people like you in government, yet somehow it is people like you, those who aren't "team players" and think of doing their DUTY TO THE COUNTRY, who are booted out of office first.

    We will always be behind you!
